the minecraft server of the friendly idiots

key info


  1. download and install the legacy minecraft launcher
  2. run the launcher and create a new installation for version 1.19.2
  3. run the installation and let it fully install (now you have java)
  4. run: fabric-installer-0.11.0.exe
  5. choose minecraft version 1.19.2 and the default loader version
  6. press 'install'
  7. copy the folders 'mods' and 'resourcepacks'
  8. go to: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft (you can copypaste that path into your file browser)
  9. paste the 'mods' and 'resourcepacks' folders into the '.minecraft' folder
  10. launch minecraft. You should see a new installation option for 'fabric'. Use that
  11. at the multiplayer vs singleplayer window, choose 'options' -> 'resource packs'
  12. select the resource packs 'OliverRemund' and 'RenaissanceAndBaroque'
  13. go back to multiplayer, add a new server, and use the ipaddress above
  14. join the server